Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Day In A Nutshell - 30 Day Challenge Day 8 - Conversations With Santa

So obviously last night I did laundry (darks in warm water).  Tonight will be towels and blankets and such.  The only 2 loads I haven't told you about yet are colors in both cold and warm water and those will both happen next week.  Maybe one of these days I should just write about how I manage my laundry.  Would that interest you?  Comment below and tell me.  What would my organization friends like to see?

Today I left early for the grocery.  I needed the essentials for my 2 cats.  I also am getting back into spending more time in the stores because the holidays are a-comin'.  Of course you know I am basically done with my holiday shopping, but you see...  Santa and I are tight!  I am pretty much his personal consultant.  He is non-stop up in my ear with "Shannon, what is the perfect gift for little Janie?" and "Shannon, 11 year old girl alert!  She hates toys and she hates clothes!  Help!" and "Shannon, little Tommy likes to play dress up!  They don't have dress up clothes for boys at Christmas time.  What do I do?!?  Help me!"  and "Shannon, is that fungus under my toenail?  I think I'm not letting my socks dry out enough before I go back out into the snow.  Is there a cream or something for that?"  

Ick!  Why does he does that to me?!?

Anyway, you get the idea.  It is important for me to know what is out there, where to get it, and how much it will cost.

I shopped my stash today and pulled out a Baked Matte Satin Eye Shadow by Lorac in the color Drama.

More on that on Friday in my Weekly Favorites video.

So, we have finished our first week of our 30 Day Challenge!  What an accomplishment!  Time normally goes by so quickly.  It's amazing how focusing on making a change can make time slllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwww down.  For many of us this has been the longest week EVER.  That's ok.  Part of feeling happiness and satisfaction is being more present in the moment and having an awareness of time.  Remember when you were a child and you had those moments of such extreme boredom that you thought it might possibly kill you?  On the other hand you also experienced such excitement and happiness at times with butterflies in the stomach and laughter so intense you almost couldn't catch your breath and your side cramped.  Remember those times?

Some of you might have noticed that you suddenly were making better choices during the week that had nothing to do with your current actionable step.  It's amazing how feeling good in one area can influence your life in other areas.  

Some of you barely made it through the week.  That is ok too.  Part of the reason we are focusing on this one actionable step for 30 days is because it can be so hard to do.  By the end of the 30 days and it becomes much more of a habit it will be easier I promise.  Even if it doesn't because let's be honest, some battles just never get any easier, know that those successes are the ones you will feel the most proud about in the long run.  

We have 3 more weeks to go.  How are you doing?

I'll see you tomorrow.  Super Soul Sunday is back on and I'm already two episodes behind.  See you on the flipside!


  1. Laundry is my favorite chore...actually the only chore I don't loathe. I am using Gain Flings and All: free and clear softner. I use non-scented Seventh Generation soap on my massage linens. It's pricey, but it works best on the oils. - Alicia

  2. As a kid we never had a washer and dryer so we went to the laundromat with my Mom. We read played and helped fold clothes. Mom always made it fun. Now it's my favorite time to relax.
