Ok...the color is beautiful...BUT...
This is a picture of me wearing OPI polish in Yodel Me On My Cell from the Swiss Collection. It is a gorgeous deep sort of aqua blue color with a hint of a teal feel to it, and if you look closely you can pick up the tiniest hint of what appears to be practically a microscopic glitter. I do love the color, but the negatives do add up as well.
First of all, for many people this is just not a wearable color. It obviously doesn't fall under the professional dress code category, and for some it might even be too garish to wear even on the toenails alone. Some might wear it only to go with their Halloween costume. Or, as one of my gentleman friends pointed out, some may find it to be the perfect color to wear to cheer on the Indianapolis Colts. I personally am not afraid to rock a bold color, but it isn't for everyone.
Second, I hate to say it but the color goes on streaky which to me is completely unacceptable when it comes to an $8 nail polish. You definitely have to apply 2 coats and let each dry thoroughly before applying the next, and on the nails you see in the photo I actually had to apply 3 coats because there still was some streaking along the center of the nail even after two solid coats. You are talking an hour and a half of time spent just on the color alone with drying time. What if I had applied a base or a top coat as well? Who has that much free time for their nails on a regular basis these days?
Third, the color started to chip especially around the tips of the nails on the very first day. This definitely should not happen after three coats of polish. Why spend $8 on a polish that won't last 24 hours without assistance from a top coat when you can purchase a product like Revlon for a few dollars less and have it last 5 days or so without any additional top or base coats applied?
Fourth, and this is just my own personal opinion, the rounded shape of the OPI bottles are a bit bulky and awkward in the hand. If you have a table to sit it on no worries, but if you have to hold the bottle in one hand while you apply your polish either on the go or in a location where a flat surface is not conveniently close to sit the bottle down you may struggle as I do to keep a firm and comfortable grip on it. This is DEFINITELY not a color you want to have spill all over your furniture because the bottle shot out of your grasp.
Now after all of that negativity I will say that I gives props to OPI for having a polish that doesn't maintain that awful nail polish smell for days on end. While it does have the normal nail polish stink while it's wet, once the product dries thoroughly the smell dissipates and was not really noticeable to me by the first morning.
Is this the polish for you? That you will have to decide on your own. I always struggle with the thought of an $8 polish, but the color doesn't scare me and I will wear it again. Will I have to paint my nails again sooner rather than later or at least do a thorough touching up? Probably. Would I repurchase this color again if it were available? Probably not. It is fun while it lasts, but I will be on to bigger and better things eventually.
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