Friday, October 10, 2014

My Day In A Nutshell - Square Pumpkins and Green Tea

My day started with a lovely Rock & Republic (remember them?) eye shadow in the color Scorch which I of course forgot to bring with me so I could show you a picture and/or a swatch.


Anyway, I've been working on my perfect look for the month, so I should have it just the way I want it right in time for the month to be over because that's how I roll.  

I seriously cannot get enough sleep this week.  I'm trying to fight off some sort of mucus related infection-y sort of thing that just won't hit the road.  The jury is still out if it is diet related or not, but either way I'm sleeping much later than I normally do aside from the few hours in the early early morning that I've been waking up every day.  The upside is that I always sleep much better when I'm sick.  The downside is... well... that I'm sick and need more sleep and don't get nearly as much done.

One of the things I didn't get done... laundry.  The other... filming my weekly favorites
which is fine because I'm debating whether to keep doing those videos or not.  They don't get as many views (surprisingly) as some of my other videos so if I can come up with something people would enjoy more or just save myself the trouble all together I should.  If I were rich I would only do haul videos because they always get he most views but alas...

So anyway...

The next notable thing I did was watch 

This is one to add to your collection because even though it isn't really a classic yet it will be for this generation.  The kids now are going to remember it as one of their all time favorites from when they were a kid and it does have a good message behind it (but you are going to have to watch/read it yourself to find out what it is.)

Since I've been sick and the weather is cooler I've been drinking a lot of hot tea lately.  Today it was Bigelow Green Tea with Mango, but I think my favorite that I've had is their Green Tea with Mint.  You can actually buy it by the case (which is 6 boxes worth) for just under $18 which is a good price if you really enjoy tea and drink it multiple times throughout the day or entertain on a regular basis.

I do have a new manicure to show you, but you are going to have to comment below if you want to know what I used.  
I like to call that audience participation.
And oh by the way, you should subscribe or follow by email so you don't miss anything.
Anyway, here is what it looks like.

Super fun for the month of October!
(If you can't tell those are orange, green, and purple foil bits.)

That's probably enough fun for one day.  I'll see you on the flip side!

1 comment:

  1. I will be sorry to see your "favorites" video go. And I like the nails.
